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Helping a Missionary Couple in Their Time of Need

Doctors tried inserting electrical wires into his brain to provide nerve stimulation – but it didn’t work. Now, Bob’s last resort will be an attempt to insert screws into the vertebrae in his neck and to clip some of the muscles and tendons.

Robert “Bob” Baird, a 25-year veteran missionary to Zaire (Congo) has Meige Syndrome. This extremely rare neurological disorder affects the neurons in his eyes causing his neck muscles to pull his head severely down and to one side. His critical surgeries are scheduled for next week – September 26th and 28th.

I want to ask you to join me in helping Bob – but first a brief bit of context.

CDF Capital Launches the Kairos Benevolence Fund

For nearly 65 years, CDF Capital has been helping churches grow. Investors, like you (thank you!), have provided funds for more than $1.75 billion in loans to over 950 churches and ministries.

But you know that these churches and ministries are not just organizations or buildings – they are people, God’s people. They are led by, and send out as missionaries, some amazing Kingdom servants.

Tragically, after a lifetime of faithful service, an increasing number of Christian Church ministers and missionaries find themselves facing a health or financial crisis which they simply don’t have the financial resources to meet.

That is why CDF Capital helped launch the Kairos Benevolence Fund (KBF) in 2012 – to provide you and me a channel through which we can help Christian leaders like Bob with emergency funds in time of crisis need.

Through KBF we can help Bob immediately. Here’s how David Pace, Founding Director of the Kairos Benevolence Fund and Senior Vice President of CDF Capital, explained it to me:

“Bob’s condition won’t allow him to fly – so he and his wife, Dawn, will have to drive from Vancouver, Washington to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Depending on the success of the surgery and recovery time, this trip will take at least two weeks. It will require significant cash to cover the gasoline, meals, and hotel expenses. Then there will be the out-of-pocket medical costs beyond what Medicare covers. It will be an expensive trip – one the Bairds are just not equipped to handle on their own.”

David has shared this story with a KBF partner couple and they immediately gave $5,000 and asked that we challenge others to match this amount to supply the Bairds’ immediate need for financial help. He also asked if it would it be possible for me to tell Bob’s story to our fellow CDF Capital investors.

Ways to help Bob Baird

Yes – it is possible, and that is why I’m sending this email to you today. My hope is that you’ll do two things:

First, pray for Bob and Dawn – the next few weeks are pivotal for them and I know they truly value your intercession on their behalf.

Second, make a generous financial gift to help with their expenses.

KBF’s plan is to make $10,000 available to the Baird’s as soon as possible. The $5,000 gift mentioned above is in hand – but your help to make up the other $5,000 is vital.

You may give online – just CLICK HERE – or click on the Give Today button below. Select the Robert & Dawn Baird Campaign in the designation section.

If you prefer, you can mail a check payable to KBF to:

Kairos Benevolence Fund – Robert & Dawn Baird Campaign

PO Box 19700

Irvine, CA 92623-9700

Once again, thank you for being a valued partner of CDF Capital. And thank you for helping the Baird’s through the Kairos Benevolence Fund.

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