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KBF Knocks It Out Of The Park

As a Dodger fan there is so much I could write about what happened on July 3rd at Dodger Stadium. Wait. Don’t stop reading! You may hate the Dodgers or not even like baseball, but there was much more going on at that night than just a ball game.

Help in Hard Times

A few years ago David Pace, my friend and coworker, and I felt led by the Lord to create a fund that would help ministers and missionaries who have been faithful to the cause of Christ but have come across some hard times. That was the beginning of the Kairos Benevolence Fund (KBF).

Many minsters and missionaries have faced, or will face, a demoralizing financial crisis at some point in life, through no fault of their own.

  • Some labored for years in ministry with very low compensation and no benefits, only to have a catastrophe during retirement.
  • Others have had serious medical complications covered only in part (or not at all) by medical insurance.
  • Still others have lost loved ones and have faced serious financial implications as a result.

KBF helps pay the bills. KBF has bought tires for a widow’s car; paid for life-saving surgery for a baby born to missionaries in Thailand; provided rent for a missionary who was battling cancer in a location far from home. KBF has helped with dental work, travel to the Mayo Clinic, home repairs, and even fixed the transmission on an old Chevy for a retired 82-year-old minister living on an income of $1,000 per month.

I could dedicate this entire post to a list of situations that would break your heart. Instead I’d like to lift your heart. Let’s go back to Dodger Stadium.

A Home Run

David and I want to help KBF help more people. And if you know me, you know I’m a big Dodger fan. So, I suggested to David that we should try to raise some money this summer by throwing a big KBF event at Dodger Stadium. David’s not exactly a Dodger fan (to say the least), but he gave in, and we ended up with a huge 3rd of July. KBF’s “Knock It Out of the Park” gala was geared to honor significant donors with a special night at Dodger Stadium as our way of saying thanks for their generosity. And they were generous!


We filled a suite with three dozen donors, pastors, and their guests, along with our honored guests, Alex Garcia and her daughter Maddie. Alex was one of the early recipients of assistance from KBF, and as the Founding Director of KBF David had the opportunity to tell her story to our guests.

Six years ago Alex’s husband, Gil, a faithful pastor and servant of Christ, was diagnosed with cancer. Within just a few months he passed from this life to be with Jesus. Alex faced the challenge of raising five young children on her own. She was shocked to discover that there was a ministry like KBF waiting in the wings to help her. James 1:27 was fulfilled before her eyes: pure and undefiled religion was carried out; helping a widow and orphans in their distress.

We set our sights on $100,000 as a fundraising goal for the event and came just a nudge short with cash and pledges over $95,000. While we were just short of our goal with this event, we encourage you to take a look at the active donation funds that need your help. See how you can give below.

It’s easy to give:

  1. Give Online: Click the “Please Give Today” button below. Then select the the fund that you would like to donate to in the drop-down menu and follow the rest of the step-by-step instructions.
  2. Mail a Check: (Write the name of the fund on the memo line)
    Your gift can be mailed directly to: Kairos Benevolence Fund
    PO Box 19700
    Irvine, CA 92623-9700
  1. Give a Non-Cash Gift: The Kairos Benevolence Fund can also accept gifts of stock, real estate, and other non-cash assets. Please contact David Duncan at the CDF Capital Foundation (dduncan@cdfcapital.org) to discuss your non-cash gift.

By the way, the Dodgers beat David’s Arizona Diamondbacks 5-4 on a tenth inning, game-winning walk-off home run by Dodger All Star right-fielder Cody Bellinger. Add to that, it was the fifth home game in a row that the Dodgers won the game in their last at bat. The second night in a row that Cody delivered the game-winner. Fifty thousand Dodger fans and everybody in the suite celebrated the 3rd of July. Even David!