I’m writing to ask for your help on behalf of a missionary named Gilbert Wesley, a missionary with Caribbean Anchor of Hope, Inc., who has been so effective in witnessing for Christ to gang members in his native country of Jamaica that a “hit” was issued on his life!
But today Gilbert is battling another threat on his life, this time from cancer.Last fall, Gilbert was in Toronto, Canada when pain caused him to seek medical attention at the emergency room. Extensive testing revealed that he was suffering from multiple myeloma, a life-threatening form of bone cancer. Chemotherapy and radiation treatments are already underway, and a process for bone marrow harvesting will be taking place later this month, with the transplant procedure scheduled for May.

Gilbert in a Canadian hospital as he awaits his bone marrow transplant.
Here in the United States the cost for these procedures would be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Fortunately, years ago Gilbert and his wife, Marva, became Canadian citizens; therefore most of these medical expenses are being covered by their Canadian medical insurance program.
What’s not covered, however, is the $1,200 per month expense of renting a small apartment for Gilbert to live in during the year that his treatments, surgery, and recovery are taking place.
Gilbert will be unable to work for up to a year during these treatments; Marva and their sons will remain in Joplin, Missouri, where she will continue to teach at their alma mater, Ozark Christian College, until their ministry can resume.
Here’s where your help is needed. The KBF Distribution Team has agreed to match dollar-for-dollar every gift received for the benefit of Gilbert, up to a total of $7,200. This will double your gift and make a total of $14,400 available to pay this missionary’s rent for the year he is required to live in Toronto, near the hospital where his treatments are taking place.

The Wesley family.
What an opportunity! If we can just raise $7,200—we can double your gift and give a $14,400 blessing to a missionary who has been an amazingly effective Kingdom worker on a most difficult mission field!Will you please help? This faithful missionary, and our brother in Christ, needs our help while he battles the effects of this cancer in his body. Your gift will be a blessing and an encouragement to him.
Here are three ways you can make a donation to KBF:
- Give Online: Click the “Please Give Today” button below. Then select the Gilbert Wesley Campaign in the drop-down menu and follow the rest of the step-by-step instructions.
- Mail a Check: (Write Gilbert Wesley Campaign on the memo line)
Your gift can be mailed directly to: Kairos Benevolence Fund
PO Box 19700
Irvine, CA 92623-9700 - Give a Non-Cash Gift: The Kairos Benevolence Fund can also accept gifts of stock, real estate, and other non-cash assets. Please contact David Duncan at the CDF Capital Foundation (dduncan@cdfcapital.org) to discuss your non-cash gift.
Thank you, in advance, for your prayer support and your financial generosity.
Yours in the Master’s Service,
David PaceFounding Director, Kairos Benevolence Fund
Senior Vice President of Ministry Development, CDF Capital
303-378-5362 PLEASE GIVE TODAY