“Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune.” —James 1:27
I’m writing to ask for your help to raise $5,000 on behalf of Tresa Hardwick, a minister’s widow. Tresa’s husband, Jim, who had been the picture of health his entire life, was suddenly diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in January 2018 and died just three months later.
Jim was a graduate of Dallas Christian College. During his college years he traveled with the school’s evangelistic team known as Joshua. He also served two youth ministries: one in Fort Smith, Arkansas and one in Sour Lake, Texas. After graduation, Jim and Tresa were married and began their years of ministry service:
- A four-year youth ministry at First Christian in Lamar, Colorado
- A two-year preaching ministry at First Christian in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico
- A six-year preaching ministry at First Christian in Dimmitt, Texas
- A 13-year preaching ministry at Orangefield Christian in Orangefield, Texas

As is so often the case with ministers who serve smaller churches, Jim and Tresa were paid little, were given little (or no) employee benefits, had little (or no) health insurance, and had almost no savings. When Jim died, he left 26 different doctor and medical bills, plus two unpaid ambulance bills. Tresa has used her limited resources to make monthly payments to the doctors and hospitals and ambulance companies—but now her funds are exhausted and the ambulance bills have been turned over to collection agencies.
Last week I shared Jim and Tresa’s story with two ministry couples, and they each immediately offered to donate $2,500 per couple (for a total of $5,000) to be used as a Matching Gift by KBF—provided that KBF launches a fundraising campaign for Tresa with the goal of raising an additional $5,000.
Therefore, I’m asking for your help to raise $5,000, which will be matched dollar-for-dollar. If successfully raised, this will result in a total of $10,000 being available for payment of ambulance bills, plus payment (or reimbursement) of doctor, hospital, and other medical expenses related to Jim’s cancer and treatment.
What an opportunity! If we can just raise $5,000, we can double your gift and give a $10,000 blessing to Tresa, who has been a faithful Kingdom worker and helpmate to her husband.

Will you please give a generous gift today? Your gift will be a blessing and encouragement to Tresa so that she can have the resources to pay these medical expenses.
Here are three ways you can make a donation to KBF:
- Give Online: Click the “Give Today” button below.
- Mail a Check: (Write Tresa Hardwick Campaign on the memo line)
Your gift can be mailed directly to:Kairos Benevolence Fund
PO Box 19700
Irvine, CA 92623-9700 - Give a Non-Cash Gift: The Kairos Benevolence Fund can also accept gifts of stock, real estate, and other non-cash assets. Please contact David Duncan at the CDF Capital Foundation (dduncan@cdfcapital.org) to discuss your non-cash gift.
Give a Non-Cash Gift: The Kairos Benevolence Fund can also accept gifts of stock, real estate, and other non-cash assets. Please contact David Duncan at the CDF Capital Foundation (dduncan@cdfcapital.org) to discuss your non-cash gift.
Whichever method of giving you prefer, please designate your gift for the Tresa Hardwick Campaign—up to $10,000 will be used to bless this faithful widow.
Thank you, in advance, for your prayer support and financial generosity.
Yours in the Master’s Service,
David PaceFounding Director, Kairos Benevolence Fund
Senior Vice President of Ministry Development, CDF Capital
303-378-5362 Give Today