The crowd overflowed because Jeff Higginson had lived a life worth honoring and celebrating.
The day of Jeff’s funeral, Lincoln Christian Church was standing room only and afterward, Jim Nash a CDF Capital Vice President wrote, “Wow! The church was packed. The service was incredible. My goodness, he was loved!”
Jeff, a graduate of Lincoln Christian University, had been a youth minister, a worship minister, and for the past 20 years the Chaplain and Director of Volunteer Services at Inner City Mission in Springfield, Illinois. Explaining his passion for ministry, he once said:
“Inner City ministry allows me to introduce believers to broken people.”
“Inner City ministry allows me to introduce believers to broken people. I have seen God use these relationships to change people on both ends. I love working at this place. We are trying our best to bring the healing love of Christ to broken and shattered people. We have an approach that allows us to deal with the real problems of the homeless. I love connecting people with our gang and watching how God is able to make a difference in everyone’s life.”
Jeff’s ministry was always noteworthy, in spite of serious health issues which had afflicted him since childhood. Even with intense rehabilitation therapy, Jeff lost the use of his legs in 2014. Yet from his wheelchair he continued to serve the homeless and those in need of Christ. But on July 10, 2017, Jeff ended his service here on earth and went to be with Jesus.
Jeff’s wife, Julie, has been a faithful spouse and ministry partner for more than 26 years. Together they have helped countless people with both physical and spiritual needs.
Since becoming totally disabled in 2014, and because Julie also has serious physical limitations, the couple has had only Jeff’s Social Security disability income. Similar to many missionaries and older Christian church ministers who have sacrificed to serve, Jeff and Julie have no life insurance, no disability insurance, and no savings.
Yet not once throughout their ministry years have the Higginsons asked for help. So today, we at the Kairos Benevolence Fund are doing it for them.
Several churches and friends of the Higginsons have already given $8,500 toward helping Julie with her financial needs. They are honoring the spirit of James 1:27: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.”
If you and I can raise another $8,500 in the next few weeks, we can pay off Julie’s mortgage and help her with utility costs and other living expenses during this time of difficult transition.
Will you join me to match the giving of Jeff and Julie’s close friends? You would be helping bear the burden of a Christian sister.
You can give online right now – just CLICK HERE (or the GIVE TODAY button below) and then select the Jeff & Julie Higginson Campaign from the dropdown menu.
If you prefer, you can mail a check payable to KBF to: