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California Wildfires Response Efforts

Compassion and Care for Ministers and Missionaries Impacted by the Greater Los Angeles Fires 

As the calendar turned the page into the New Year, 2025 began with devastation for many in Southern California. 

Like us, you’ve surely been watching the news about the tragic fires in the greater Los Angeles area. Thousands of homes, businesses, and churches burned to the ground. More than 100,000 people evacuated and displaced. And, as of today, 24 people (or more) are counted among the dead as a result of the fires.

And, like us, your heart has surely been aching for those men, women, and children who just a few days ago started their day “normally” just like we did today … and then the fires came racing down the hills … and in seconds they lost everything and their lives were changed forever!

In Acts 2 we read that the early Christians “sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.” And in Matthew 25 Jesus praised those who had given water, or food, or clothing to those in need … and he said, “I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

We must respond!


In response to these biblical mandates, KBF is launching a Disaster Response Fund for the benefit of faithful Kingdom servants who are in crisis and need your help! We’ve already been in touch with church leaders in the area. They know KBF will be raising funds to help, so they will be connecting us with more families to assist. And we will be sharing the stories with you about the ways your donations made a difference!

So, you no longer have to wish you could help … you can help today by giving generously to the KBF Disaster Response Fund!


One minister, a graduate of Cincinnati Christian University, met the fire up close and personal. While he was scrambling to help evacuate children from their Christian school the church building caught on fire and burned to the ground. His pregnant wife threw some personal effects and their daughter in the car, then watched as their house, and everything they owned went up in flames. And because of California restrictions … they have no insurance!

Gifts Received 42%

Donate to the Kairos Benevolence Fund

Thank you for considering the Kairos Benevolence Fund in your charitable giving.

Your gifts make it possible for Kairos to honor the legacy of faithful Kingdom servants by providing benevolent grants to aging ministers and missionaries facing specific health or financial crises.

Making Donations: You can make a difference by:

  1. Give online: see online giving form to the right.
  2. Mail a gift to the following address (write KBF Disaster Response Fund on the memo line):
    Kairos Benevolence Fund
    PO Box 19142
    Tucson, AZ 85731-9142
  3. Give a Gift of Stock, Real Estate, or Other Non-Cash Assets: Send an email to me at david@thekbf.org and I will be happy to connect you with one of our team members who can help you with this special form of generosity.

Any gifts made to the organization are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

In the event that a specific project is overfunded, gifts will be used to meet another project of the Kairos Benevolence Fund or in support of KBF’s ministry operations. 

The Kairos Benevolence Fund is classified as a public charity under IRS Section 501(c)3.


We will keep you updated on the ways in which YOUR generosity will impact our brothers and sisters in need!