888.THE.KBF1 (888.843.5231)

Angie Crosser

Angie Crosser needs your love and generosity this Christmas! Her husband, Matt, passed away a few weeks ago; now she is facing Christmas alone … as a widow … and a single parent.

Our ministry partners at IDES (International Disaster and Emergency Services) have offered a $15,000 “Matching Love Gift” to assist Angie—if we, as KBF’s family of friends and donors, will come together and give another $15,000.

Here’s the rest of the story:

Matt and Angie were students at Ozark Christian College when a classmate challenged them to join a team of Missionaries headed for Italy. They spent the next nine years planting churches and spreading the Gospel there. Tragically, in 2009, Matt’s brother sustained a traumatic brain injury in a near-fatal car accident. Matt and Angie returned to the U.S. and took care of his brother and young son for eight years until his eventual death.

During those years, Matt continued his support of Missionaries in Italy and around the world by using his graphic design skills to provide logos, newsletters, website resources, and even a complete VBS program. Matt also began serving his home church in Tulsa, Oklahoma as a Youth Minister. In 2020, as the COVID pandemic forced congregations to meet online, Matt took on the challenge of becoming the church’s Engagement Minister, meeting people’s spiritual and physical needs through the internet.

At some point during the COVID crisis, Matt contracted the virus. His illness led to two forms of auto-immune disease which eventually caused kidney failure. Matt started dialysis earlier this year while waiting for a kidney transplant, but he died in his sleep and went home to be with the Lord before a donor could be found.

Matt was the primary wage earner for the family; his death creates a big financial loss for Angie and her two young children. Like most families, Matt and Angie were making monthly payments on their house and their car. Now, Angie has learned that the foundation of their house is failing, so immediate work is needed to stabilize her home. And then there’s the looming uninsured portion of Matt’s dialysis expenses.

The bottom line is this … Angie needs your love and generosity this Christmas!

God’s Word makes it clear that caring for widows and orphans is a priority. James 1:27 says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.”

So, this Christmas I’m asking for your help on behalf of Angie and her children.

Remember, a $15,000 matching gift has already been offered. If God has blessed you this year, will you share a Christmas blessing with Angie?

Here are three ways you can make a donation to KBF:

1. Give Online: Click the “Give Today” button below. Then select the Angie Crosser Project in the drop-down menu and follow the rest of the step-by-step instructions.

2. Mail a Check: (Write Angie Crosser Project on the memo line.) Be sure your gift is postmarked by December 31 if you would like it to be eligible for a 2024 income tax deduction. 

Your gift can be mailed directly to: 

Kairos Benevolence Fund
PO Box 19142
Tucson, AZ 85731-9142

3. Give a Gift From your Qualified IRA (or other Retirement Plan) – or Stock, Real-Estate, or other non-cash Assets. 

Whichever method of giving works best for you, please help meet this need! Let’s show this ministry widow how compassionate and generous the family of God can be.