Timothy Thomas, a life-long missionary to Portugal and Brazil isn’t blind (yet) but he will lose the sight in his left eye soon, unless he undergoes a very specialized, and expensive, surgery which medical insurance doesn’t cover.
Tim was born on the mission field in Brazil to missionaries Clinton and Phyllis Thomas. He graduated from Johnson University, earned his Master’s degree from Emmanuel School of Religion, and received his Doctorate from the Japan Bible Institute.
His life and ministry has been devoted to sharing the Gospel of Christ with people in villages and remote settlements in parts of the world that you and I have never even heard of. He has seen the power of the Gospel change lives, overcome spiritual darkness, and set people free from Satan and his demonic forces. And, while the majority of his ministry has been in Brazil and Portugal, he has led short-term mission teams to service in 94 other countries!

In a letter I recently received from Tim he wrote, “I really love Brazil and missions. Missions revolves around people changed and transformed by the power of the Word. Missions sprouts and functions from the very incarnation of Jesus, “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” John 20:21
In 2020, after nearly 40 years on the mission field, Tim began losing sight in his right eye. A team of specialists in the U.S. determined that he suffers from a rare genetic disease called “Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy.” There is no medicine or therapy cure, only surgery can prevent blindness.
Through the kindness of his surgical team, and the generosity of Christian friends and mission supporters, Tim underwent this delicate surgical process on his right eye – but now his left eye is failing and will go blind without similar surgery.
In 2020 the cost for the surgery and related care was more than $15,000. Today, the estimated cost is more than $20,000, so once again Tim needs help from Christian brothers and sisters.

As soon as I heard about Tim’s situation I contacted a few ministry friends. They immediately jumped in and committed to providing a “Matching Gift” of $12,000 if the Kairos Benevolence Fund could raise another $12,000 from other friends like you.
So, today I am asking for your help. I know $12,000 is a BIG goal, but I know we serve a BIG God who can do even more than we ask. And no one deserves our help more than Tim!
- If you can give $5,000 – your gift will be doubled and $10,000 will be available to help pay Tim’s’ surgical and related expenses;
- If you can give $1,000 – your gift will be doubled and $2,000 will be available to help pay Tim’s’ surgical and related expenses;
- If you can give $500 – your gift will be doubled and $1,000 will be available to help pay Tim’s’ surgical and related expenses;
- If you can give $100 – your gift will be doubled and $200 will be available to help pay Tim’s surgical and related expenses;
Please help! Tim Thomas loves the Lord and has faithfully carried the Gospel of Christ to the people of Portugal and Brazil.
Here are three ways you can make a donation to KBF:
1. Give Online: Click the “Give Today” button below. Then select the Timothy Thomas Project in the drop-down menu and follow the rest of the step-by-step instructions.
2. Mail a Check: (Write Timothy Thomas Project on the memo line)
Your gift can be mailed directly to:
Kairos Benevolence Fund
PO Box 50791
Phoenix, AZ 85076-0791
3. Give a Gift of Stock, Real-Estate, or other non-cash Assets.Please contact me by email or phone and I will connect you with one of our KBF Board Members to discuss your non-cash gift.
Whichever method of giving works best for you, please designate your gift for the Timothy Thomas Project.