I’m writing to ask for your help on behalf of Bill and Pat Dennistoun. Bill is 86 years old; Pat is 83. Both are struggling to live with debilitating health issues (Parkinson’s, dementia, and other serious medical complications). They are in immediate need of the care which can be provided in an assisted living facility. After much searching, a care center has been located which will accept both Bill and Pat and only charge a fee based on their small Social Security income, plus $1,000 per month.
Tragically, Bill and Pat do not have $1,000 per month to pay for this care. Therefore, I believe it’s time for the Kairos Benevolence Fund to step up and help this faithful ministry couple!
During his years of ministry, Bill served as both an elder and Youth Minister at First Christian Church in Long Beach, California. Similarly, he served as an elder at Parkcrest Church of Christ in Long Beach. Then for many years he was a member of the Board of Directors for CDF Capital.
Pat’s connection with our Christian churches dates clear back to the cradle. Her father was Ruben Anderson, a Founding Director of CDF Capital and long-time minister with several dynamic Christian churches in Southern California. Pat was a gifted musician and served as Music Minister at Inglewood Christian Church, Parkcrest Church of Christ, and First Christian Church Long Beach.
Unfortunately, the Dennistouns’ service came at a personal cost. As is so often the case, churches paid inadequate wages, with few if any employee benefits and no retirement or pension funding. So today Bill and Pat do not have the resources to pay for their care.

As soon as I heard of the Dennistouns’ need, I contacted Gene Appel, Lead Pastor at Eastside Christian Church in Anaheim, California. Eastside immediately offered to make a $6,000 donation to KBF—if we would send out this appeal and ask other Christians to match their gift. This would make a total of $12,000 available to pay for a full year of assisted living care.
Today I am asking for your help. Will you share from the blessings God has given you to help provide care for Bill and Pat Dennistoun?
Remember, your gift to KBF will do double duty. By raising just $6,000, we can make $12,000 available to help this ministry couple who have faithfully devoted their lives to serving the Kingdom of Christ.
Please help! You can make a difference!
Here are three ways you can give to the Kairos Benevolence Fund, and in so doing help the Dennistouns:
- Give Online: Click the “Give Today” button below, select the Dennistoun Campaign in the drop-down menu, and follow the rest of the step-by-step instructions.
- Mail a Check: (Write Dennistoun Campaign on the memo line)
Your gift can be mailed directly to:
Kairos Benevolence Fund
PO Box 19700
Irvine, CA 92623-9700 - Give a Gift of Stock, Real-Estate, or other Non-Cash Assets. Please contact David Duncan at the CDF Capital Foundation (dduncan@cdfcapital.org) to discuss your non-cash gift.
Whichever method of giving works best for you, please designate your gift for the Dennistoun Campaign. This will insure that up to $12,000 will be used to help pay for their assisted living expenses.
Thank you, in advance, for your prayer support and your financial generosity on behalf of the Dennistouns.
Yours in the Master’s Service,David Pace
Kairos Benevolence Fund
(303) 378-5362 Give Today