David Morris, son of Arthur and Ruth Morris, long-term veteran missionaries to India, passed away on February 23, 2023, in India after a stroke and cardiac arrest.
David, Director of South India Church of Christ Mission since 1989, was working at a remote mission station helping to rebuild the wall of the mission property which had been destroyed by a flood. At 11:30 pm he suffered a stroke. He was transported 3 hours to a regional hospital where he was admitted to ICU and underwent brain surgery the next morning. He was hospitalized for 40 days during which he fought several infections and ultimately suffered a fatal cardiac arrest.
The Morris family have been faithful Kingdom servants to the people of India for decades. David’s leadership of the mission’s work has resulted in over 1,200 churches being planted in Southern India. He was also the President of Southern Asia Christian College, training hundreds of preachers and teachers for work among their own native people. Only in Heaven will we learn the number of lives touched for Christ by Art, Ruth, and David Morris.

Like so many missionaries, David and his wife, Philomina, invested their financial resources into the work of the mission. No medical insurance was available to him in India, so when he died his family was left with the expense of transporting his body back to the United States, and being responsible for more than $30,000 in hospital expenses.
A few days ago I was in contact with Randy Jones, International Aid Director at I.D.E.S. (International Disaster Emergency Service). His team was so concerned about the financial hardship these hospital bills were placing on Philomina and her family that they committed to providing a “Matching Gift” of $15,000 if the Kairos Benevolence Fund could raise another $15,000 from friends like you.

So, today I am asking for your help. I know $15,000 is a BIG goal, but I know we serve a BIG God who can do even more than we ask. And no one deserves our help more than the Morris family!
- If you can give $5,000 – your gift will be doubled and $10,000 will be available to help pay David’s hospital bills;
- If you can give $1,000 – your gift will be doubled and $2,000 will be available to help pay David’s hospital bills;
- If you can give $100 – your gift will be doubled and $200 will be available to help pay David’s hospital bills;
Please help! David loved the Lord and faithfully served the people of India until the day he died.

Here are three ways you can make a donation to KBF:
1. Give Online: Click the “Give Today” button above, then select the David Morris Project in the drop-down menu, and then follow the rest of the step-by-step instructions.
2. Mail a Check: (Write David Morris Project on the memo line)
Your gift can be mailed directly to:
Kairos Benevolence Fund
PO Box 50791
Phoenix, AZ 85076-0791
3. Give a Gift of Stock, Real Estate, or Other Non-Cash Assets: Send an email to me at david@thekbf.org and I will be happy to connect you with one of our team members who can help you with this special form of generosity.