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Larry Allen

Larry Allen is an 83-year-old retired minister living in a senior care facility in Hendersonville, North Carolina. Larry is a guy you would, no doubt, enjoy meeting. Despite being born with cerebral palsy and having other physical ailments requiring extensive surgery as a young boy, he’s a positive, upbeat, and delightful servant of God. 

Larry overcame those childhood challenges, accepted a call to ministry, graduated from Ozark Bible College, and became a faithful preacher and minister for congregations in Missouri, Indiana, and Florida. His dear wife Florence was vital to the ministry partnership as she provided much care for Larry in support of his church work. 

Florence passed away in 2010, and Larry has soldiered on without his partner in life and ministry. Now, in addition to cerebral palsy, Larry is dealing with macular degeneration and other issues that require more assistance to care for his physical needs. 

Despite his declining health, Larry remains faithful to his ministry calling. He started and continues to lead a weekly Bible study for the residents of the care facility where he lives. 

Physical challenges are not all that Larry faces. He is also challenged by limited financial resources to address increasing financial need. His medical team is suggesting additional physical and occupational therapy. Larry doesn’t have the money to pay for this practical and much-needed therapy. 

Would you be willing to help Larry?

When I told his story to a ministry friend, he immediately agreed that his church would send $5,000 if Kairos Benevolence Fund could raise that much from other friends like you. If you would like to help Larry, every dollar you give will be matched, up to a total of $5,000. 

If we raise $5,000 and then see it doubled, we’ll be able to help Larry receive some very important care. Without reservation, I believe this man is worthy to be helped in this way. 

Today I’m asking you to help Larry and see your gift do “double duty.” 

If you send $1,000, then $2,000 will be available to help Larry. 

If you send $500, then $1,000 will be available to help Larry. 

If you send $100, then $200 will be available to help Larry. 

In Acts 2, we read that the early Christians devoted themselves to meeting the needs of their brothers and sisters, even during difficult times of persecution. While we are not living under persecution, this past year of COVID-19 has been difficult for many. But, if God has continued to bless you, will you please join my wife Joy and me by sharing with Larry, who has so little?