Mike and Brenda Diskin have faithfully served Christ’s kingdom throughout their adult life. They have served local churches here in the United States and as missionaries in foreign countries.
60 years ago they were students at Johnson Bible College (now Johnson University) and were married by then President David Eubanks. In addition to uniting them as husband and wife, he commissioned them together in ministry service.
In 1971 Mike and Brenda headed to the island of Antigua where they helped establish three churches, a school, and a Bible college extension program with Maritime Christian College.

In 1993, Mike was involved in a near fatal car accident when he was hit by a drunk driver. By God’s grace Mike’s life was spared, however, his injuries were so severe that they required amputation of his left-leg. Months and months of recovery and rehabilitation were needed before he was able to resume a “normal” life with the use of a prosthetic leg.
In spite of that accident and the amputation of his leg, Mike continued faithfully sharing the “Good News” of the Gospel.
In 2004, Mike developed diabetes which prevented him from wearing his prosthetic leg. After this, he was unable to continue his travel across the border into Mexico as most of the areas of their mission work were not handicapped accessible. Since that time, Mike and Brenda have focused their efforts with the churches in El Paso, Texas, and Mimbres Christian Camp.
Mike and Brenda have never enjoyed the security of “normal” compensation and/or employee benefits. They have always served with poverty-stricken people, and have barely existed above the poverty level themselves.
Two years ago, in addition to his diabetes, Mike was diagnosed with early onset Dementia. So, due to his declining health, and lack of financial resources, Mike and Brenda have moved into a room in their son’s house near Huntsville, TX.
In getting to know the Diskins, KBF has learned that in just the past two-years they have had to pay nearly twelve-thousand dollars ($12,000) out of their own meager resources for unreimbursed medical expenses. We MUST cover those medical costs for this faithful ministry couple!
When I told the Diskins’ story to a few ministry friends, they immediately jumped in and committed to sending the first $6,000 if the Kairos Benevolence Fund could raise another $6,000 from other friends like you.
So Today I am asking for your help. Will you share from the blessings God has given you to help Mike and Brenda?
Remember, every dollar you give to help Mike and Brenda will do double duty up to $12,000.
Here are three ways you can make a donation to KBF:
1. Give Online: Click the “Give Today” button below. Then select the Mike Diskin Project in the drop-down menu and follow the rest of the step-by-step instructions.
2. Mail a Check: (Write Mike Diskin Project on the memo line)
Your gift can be mailed directly to:
Kairos Benevolence Fund
PO Box 50791
Phoenix, AZ 85076-0791
3. Give a Gift of Stock, Real-Estate, or other non-cash Assets.Please contact me by email or phone and I will connect you with one of our KBF Board Members to discuss your non-cash gift.
Whichever method of giving works best for you, please designate your gift for the Mike Diskin Project. This will insure that up to $12,000 will be used to bless this faithful ministry couple.
Thank you, in advance, for your prayer support and your financial generosity on behalf of Mike and Brenda!