I know they say “life isn’t fair,” but when I heard Nona Maysey’s story, my first thought was that in just a short time this dear woman has experienced more loss, and suffered more heartache than most people have to deal with in a lifetime.
- In 2014, her husband, Everett Maysey, (a Christian church minister) died of a massive stroke.
- In 2019, her mother lost a 3-year battle with cancer.
- In 2021, her father, Russell Mann (also a Christian church minister) died of Lewy Body Dementia.
- Then, just last month, her only son died from his life-long disabilities at just 35 years of age, just one day shy of his 36th birthday.
Born in Georgia, then raised in North Carolina, Nona was raised in the church. Her future husband, Everett grew up in Kentucky with his grandmother. Nona’s Dad was a minister and Everett was also raised in the faith – two paths that led them to attending the same bible college at Roanoke Bible College… now called Mid Atlantic Christian College (MACU) in Elizabeth City, North Carolina.

After meeting in bible college, Everett went on to obtain his Masters degree from Cincinnati Bible Seminary. Together they served churches in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and West Virginia. Even after Everett’s death, Nona continued in ministry serving as Worship Leader for the Williamston Church, and with Pilgrimage Mission, an outreach to the homeless.
Nona is also a school teacher, so during the school year she receives a very modest income, but nothing during the summer. In March of this past school year, Nona had to take a leave of absence to care for her disabled son. While he was still alive, Nona received funds from the Social Security Administration to help with his care, but now even that has stopped.
Friends, Nona needs our help. Until school resumes next fall, Nona does not have any income or money in savings. She does not have the ability to pay her rent, her electric bill, or even buy groceries.

In James 1:27, God’s Word says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress …”
I don’t believe I have ever met a widow in greater distress. I believed right away that God would want KBF to come alongside Nona and help her through this summer. So, I shared Nona’s story with a friend of KBF and he immediately offered to send $5,000 – IF – you, and other Christians across the country, would match his gift and give another $5,000.
So today, I’m asking for your help. If God has blessed you, will you help Nona?
- If you can give $5,000 – then $10,000 will be available to help Nona;
- If you can give $1,000 – then $2,000 will be available to help Nona;
- If you can give $100 – then $200 will be available to help Nona
Whatever you can give will be a blessing to Nona, and will provide her encouragement and a financial blessing from her Christian brothers and sisters across the country.
During our conversations with Nona she shared the following note … “My life would be in shambles without scripture, but my favorite is Proverbs 3:5&6”
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.”
“My understanding would produce an angry, bitter person. Leaning on His understanding, even though I may not see it at the time, keeps me humble and full of joy.”
Friends, I can tell you with confidence that despite her difficult circumstances, Nona is full of joy. So, whichever method of giving works best for you, please be joyful and generous, and be sure to designate your gift to the Nona Maysey Project.